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Hop is a scalable rollup-to-rollup general token bridge. It allows users to send tokens from one rollup to another almost immediately without having to wait for the rollup’s challenge period.

In this guide, we'll walk you through how to bridge Goerli ETH using Hop over to Linea!

Before you begin, ensure your wallet is:

  1. Configured to use Linea.
  2. Funded with Goerli ETH

Bridge Goerli ETH to Linea

To bridge Goerli ETH to Linea, you'll need to:

  1. Navigate to the Hop bridge

  2. Connect your MetaMask wallet

  3. Switch network to Goerli

  4. Ensure that Goerli is the From network and Linea is the To network

    Hop UI

  5. Add the amount of Goerli ETH you want to bridge

  6. Click Send

    Click send on hop

  7. Confirm the transaction in the MetaMask popup

    Confirm MetaMask transaction

Your transaction should now be sent! You may have to wait a few minutes before the transaction and bridging have been finalized.

Get support

If you run into issues using the Hop bridge, you can find their support channel in their Discord.