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Use Mendi Finance Lending Protocol

Mendi Finance lending protocol is deployed on Linea testnet. Use the Mendi app to supply collateral and borrow against it.

Supply collateral

  1. Navigate to the Mendi app and select the Linea network in your MetaMask wallet. (You might need to click on show/hide test networks to have testnets appear in the list)

    Metamask Linea testnet

  2. Connect your wallet to the app, by clicking Connect wallet and selecting MetaMask. Your wallet address will appear in the top-right corner.

    Connect Wallet

  3. Select the Lending tab.

    Lending Tab

  4. Select USDC/USDT/WETH to supply to the protocol and click on it.


  5. Enter the amount you want to use for each token.

    Supply Amount

  6. Click Approve and check the details.

    Supply Approve

  7. Click Supply to confirm and approve the transaction.

Borrow tokens

  1. Navigate to the Mendi app and select the Linea network in your MetaMask wallet. (You might need to click on show/hide test networks to have testnets appear in the list)

    Metamask Linea testnet

  2. Connect your wallet to the app, by clicking Connect wallet and selecting MetaMask. Your wallet address will appear in the top-right corner.

    Connect Wallet

  3. Select the Lending tab. Make sure your supplied assets can be used as Collateral!

    Lending Tab Collateral

  4. Select USDC/USDT/WETH to borrow from the protocol and click on it.

  5. Enter the amount you want to borrow.


  6. Click Borrow to confirm and approve the transaction.